autosar sender receiver interface. Model AUTOSAR Message. autosar sender receiver interface

Model AUTOSAR Messageautosar sender receiver interface The interface defines the boundary with the component environment in terms of input and output ports

A sender receiver interface is the most common type of port interface. 64 Figure 18: Implementation Impl of the sender-receiver interface SRInterface with dataIn this blog, EGO will cover some utility up improve reliability and accuracy of data reception for using sender/receiver ports. To map a Simulink outport to the AUTOSAR sender-receiver port you created, select the outport, set Port to the value PRPort, and set Element to the same data element selected in the previous step. To create an. api. Rte_Receive: Performs an “explicit” read on a sender-receiver communication data. The sender-receiver interface defines the data-elements which are sent by a sending component (which has a p-port providing the sender-receiver interface) or received by. 1 AUTOSAR Release Management Editorial changes 2016-11-30 4. 3. Identify the inport that corresponds to the AUTOSAR receiver port for which IsUpdated service is required. . A Port Interface characterizes the information provided or required by a port of a Software Component. In Simulink ®, you can: Create. The following scenarios are supported: 3. The mode receiver port uses a mode-switch (M-S) interface to connect and communicate with a mode manager, which provides notifications of mode changes. 108 of 185 Document ID 015: AUTOSAR_SWS_COM – AUTOSAR confidential – f Specification of Communication. This is shown in figure 5. A port of a component that requires an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface can read the data elements described in the interface and a port that provides the interface can write the data elements. //swc. Hi, I have to read an AUTOSAR system description file (. 3. For example, consider the following figure. For example, the following MATLAB ® code adds an AUTOSAR NV data interface and an NV receiver port to an open model. In AUTOSAR, this is called the Port Interface. Close. 2. To add a sender-receiver port, click the Add button and use the Add Ports dialog box. Note: Since the interface symbols “ball” and “socket” currently couldn’t be replaced graphically, theautosar_swc. The AUTOSAR software component has a Require and Provide port that references the same Sender-Receiver Interface, Interface1. The AUTOSAR standard provides two platforms to support the current and the next generation of automotive ECUs. A Port Interface characterizes the information provided or required by a port of a Software Component. We will create the Sender Receiver interface required by the E2E module. The Sender/Receiver interface is suitable for asynchronous data exchange, low-latency requirements, and simple data sharing scenarios. Go to the Events pane for the selected runnable. Let us will a look at the basic AUTOSAR software buildings the understand the “component. Rename a sender-receiver port by editing its name text. 64 Figure 18: Implementation Impl of the sender-receiver interface SRInterface with data elementOpen a model for which the receiver side of an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface is configured. In the Inports tab, you can: Map a Simulink inport by selecting. srt (4. ESSAID EL-OUBAIDI posted a video on LinkedInsender and their receivers. Maps a Simulink inport to an AUTOSAR receiver port. Did you know that #AUTOSAR Sender/Receiver is an asynchronous communication and that it sometimes requires special handling Indeed, when a sender component transmits a data, the receiver does not. Used to define an 'is-part-of' relationship between interface types and data elements. AUTOSAR Application Software Components - Description levelsFinds AUTOSAR sender or receiver ports. AUTOSAR Interface design is classified according to the size and type of data. There are two types of port interfaces, Sender/Receiver interface; Client/Server interface; Sender/Receiver interfaceThe AUTOSAR Interfaces are: Sender/Receiver interface: Defines a set of data elements that are sent from one component to one or more components. The term Port Interface refers to the highest level of description of information transferred between components in an AUTOSAR system. Client/Server Interface. AUTOSAR SW Application Overview Sender receiver interface allows for describing what kind of information is sent and received Sender receiver interface defines a set of data elements (variable data prototypes) that are sent and received over SWC ports Sender receiver interface may contain 1 or several variable data prototypes withAUTOSAR, standardized software architecture for automotive ECUs, was developed for software reusability across wheels. SOME/IPとは、「Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP」の略語で、. Modifies the associated interface for a port. 0:00 / 2:29 AUTOSAR Tip #2: Sender/ Receiver interface communication attributes BTC Embedded Systems 1. (Note: When you create your own project, you can create additional AUTOSAR interfaces, such as Client Server Interfaces or Mode Switch Interfaces, in the same way). Virtual Functional Bus AUTOSAR CP R21-11 7 of 107 Document ID 56: AUTOSAR_EXP_VFB 1. Display format (DisplayFormat) — Specifies calibration and measurement display format for a data object. Just to recapture – the two ways expanded up were the revocation policy and queued. The following figure is an example of how you model, in Simulink, an. In the case of the sender-receiver interface, data is transmitted from the sender to the receiver by the signal passing method. This a bypass Interface, where I am posting same file, from source JMS Queue to receiver Queue of SAP PO 7. 아래의 그림은 AUTOSAR 4. AUTOSAR Interface는 AUTOSAR가 정의한 인터페이스를 의미한다. Having a standard connection between the components could cause a race condition. Open an AUTOSAR model that you want to configure as a queued sender or receiver component. To add a sender-receiver port, click the Add. Sender Receiver Interface in AUTOSAR Apr 10, 2022 SHORT NOTES ON COM STACK IN AUTOSAR Apr 9, 2022. AUTOSAR sender/receiver ports provision more configurations to upgrade reliability and accuracy. Chapter6presents a reference to the API as seen by software components. The variable IsService returns false (0), indicating that the sender-receiver interface is not a service. ---- Sender Receiver Interface. To create an S-R data interface and a queued sender or receiver port: Open the AUTOSAR Dictionary. The run-time environment generator uses the ARXML descriptions to interface the code into an AUTOSAR run-time environment. 45 Figure 17: Data element Speed for the sender-receiver interface SRInterface. In AUTOSAR Classic, communication between software components is vital for building complex automotive systems. The Autosar Interface defines the communication interface for a SWC. AUTOSAR sender/receiver ports provide several configurations for improving veracity and accuracy. In this blog, I want cover some accessory to improve reliability the accuracy starting details reception when using sender/receiver ports. 不同类型的Port Interface. Chapter6explains how to define sender-receiver and client-server interfaces that use the data types and can be used by software components to communi-cate. Finds AUTOSAR sender or receiver ports. 4 MB)Finds AUTOSAR sender or receiver ports. AUTOSAR restricts dataflow to certain configurations. Sender Receiver Interface (Autosar 🚘) بسم الله و الصلاه و السلام على رسول الله كل فتره كدا بحب اخد كورس اونلاين او اوفلاين. interface elements Revised concept of mode management Support for integrity and scaling at ports Support for standardization within AUTOSAR 2008-07-02 3. Select the Outports tab. Open an AUTOSAR model that you want to configure as a queued sender or receiver component. Implicit means there will not be any dedicated code that will run to transfer the data when the RTE function is called by the component,instead, there will be a fixed time slot where one or group of implicit ports will be written or read. Finds AUTOSAR sender or receiver ports. 1 illustrates the relationship between the specification of the “VirtualProgrammatically Create and Configure Architecture Model. The decision related to what all information should be exchanged through sender-receiver communication and which of the services should be called by the client-server. . This is where you list which SWC data elements (sender-receiver interface) or operations (client-server interface) that you intend to call from this. Identify the inport that corresponds to the AUTOSAR receiver port for which IsUpdated service is required. If you need to create an event, click Add Event. To create an S-R interface and ports in Simulink: Open the AUTOSAR Dictionary and select S-R Interfaces. • Client-Server Interface defining a set of operations that can be invoked. Let contact have a looking by the basic AUTOSAR add-on architecture and realize the “component concept” of the AUTOSAR application layer. Sender-receiver communication is one-way - any reply sent by the receiver is sent as a separate senderreceiver communication. Although this interface contains data elements DE1, DE2, DE3, DE4, and DE5, the component does not utilize all of the data elements. The term Port Interface refers to the highest level of description of information transferred between components in an AUTOSAR system. To add a sender-receiver port, click the Add button and use the Add Ports dialog box. . A port prototype is a generic concept that in actual use results in e. 1 - Vehicle Diagnostics. Maps a Simulink inport to an AUTOSAR receiver port. Although this interface contains data elements DE1, DE2, DE3, DE4, and DE5, the component does not utilize all of the data elements. Sender-receiver communication can be “1:n” (single sender, multiple receivers) andAUTOSAR Sender Receiver Interface. Select and expand the new NV interface. In the previous section, we discussed the required communication ports for event data exchange between a client. mp4 (40. Try NOW!AUTOSAR Release Management Clarify load balancing option usage Contradicting requirements improved Redundant requirements removed 2018-03-29 1. 非易失性数据接口(Non-volatile Data Interface). SenderReceiverInterface. Select and expand the new NV interface. Although a Require, Provide, or Provide-Require port can reference a Sender-Receiver Interface, the AUTOSAR software component does not necessarily access all of the data elements. . A port of a component that requires an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface can read the data elements described in the interface and a port that provides the interface can write the data elements. Rename a sender-receiver port by editing its name text. srt (4. 1. In addition, the RTE generator inserts changes needed for the mea-surement in the RTE code. The Inports tab of the Code Mappings editor maps each Simulink root. Open a model for which an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface is configured. Although this interface contains data elements DE1, DE2, DE3, DE4, and DE5, the component does not utilize all of the data elements. Create a second inport, set its data type to boolean, and connect it to the same block. These examples show how to use AUTOSAR property and map functions to configure AUTOSAR ports, interfaces, and related elements for S-R, C-S, and M-S communication. The following figure is an example of how you model, in Simulink, an. 2011年なので結構前ですね。. 3 AUTOSAR Release editioral changes Management Several correction, clarifications and No major functional changes or im-provements 2013-10-31 4. This file includes the rate scheduling code. Enter an event name and set the event type. Sender/receiver The sender expects no answer from the receiver and there will be. 0 AUTOSAR Release Management Editorial changes 2017-12-08 4. receiver fan-out). 4. hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns'. 36K subscribers Subscribe 140 9K views 2 years. The AUTOSAR Interface can be Client-Server Interface defining a set of operations that can be invoked Sender-Receiver Interface, for data-oriented communication. 2 Sender/Receiver Communication. On the Modeling tab, click Model Data Editor and select the Inports/Outports tab. To define an AUTOSAR interface, type a bus port with a bus object. To add a sender-receiver port, click the Add button and use the Add Ports dialog box. . Using the Library Browser or by typing block names in the model window, add NvM blocks to the model. Sender-receiver communication is one-way - any reply sent by the receiver is sent as a separate senderreceiver communication. [email protected]. Configure AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Interface. The A2L file is generated based on the RTE configu-ration which is created with DaVinci Developer. The following figure is an example of how you model, in Simulink, an. There are three-way types away. AUTOSAR Ethernet Interface AUTOSAR_SWS_EthernetInterface. To define the services or data that are provided on or required by a port of a component, the AUTOSAR Interface concept is introduced. Open a model for which an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface is configured. Sender-receiver (S-R) interface, for message passing Client-server (C-S) interface, for function invocation Mode-switch (M-S) interface, for managing mode-based execution. 2015-07-31 4. 2 Standardized AUTOSAR Interface 2. The sender-receiver communication enables the exchange of data/ information where a sender distributes information to one or several receivers. txt:mode machine instance, assigns a constant length to the receive queue. AUTOSAR Sender Receiver Interface Used to define a Sender-Receiver-Interface, which is used for a Sender Receiver Port. Maps a Simulink inport to an AUTOSAR receiver port. Port access is a list of intent. * abstraction levels for describing data types. AUTOSAR, standards-based software architektonisch for automobiles ECUs, was developed fork software reusability across vehicles. 模式转换接口(Mode Switch Interface). 0. 2015-07-31 4. Configure AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Interfaces. Software calibration access (SwCalibrationAccess) — Specifies calibration and measurement tool access to a data object. Maps a Simulink inport to an AUTOSAR receiver port. The mode receiver port uses a mode-switch (M-S) interface to connect and communicate with a mode manager, which provides notifications of mode changes. Instead of trying to ever extend AUTOSAR to make it easily applicable to do-mains that are yet difficult to implement in AUTOSAR, it seems more reasonable to open AUTOSAR for an integration with standards and technologies that are specifi-The sender-receiver ports could use two kinds of communication mechanisms, Implicit and Explicit. The following figure is an example of how you model, in Simulink, an. THE HeatingController ASWC also reads the status of the seat through seatstatus port. The AUTOSAR Interface can be Client-Server Interface defining a set of operations that can be invoked Sender-Receiver Interface, for data-oriented communication Components, Ports and InterfacesThese examples show select to use this AUTOSAR property and map functions up configure AUTOSAR ports for each typing of interface. For more information about the Autosar standard, visit the Autosar. Modelling of SOME/IP-Based Classic Applications using Model-Based Design Model-based design is a well-established development methodology for automotive embedded software. The AUTOSAR software component has a Require and Provide port that references the same Sender-Receiver Interface, Interface1. Remember software components are modules that handle each functionality of the system both individually and collectively, but like any relationship, there needs to be communication. A port of a component that requires an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface can read the data elements described in the interface and a port that provides the interface can write the. Sender Receiver port Interface: A sender-receiver (S/R) interface is a port-interface used for the case of sender-receiver communication. . 1 KHz,. 2. Configure AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Interface; Configure AUTOSAR Provide-Require Port; Configure AUTOSAR Receiver Port for IsUpdated Service; Configure AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Data Annul; Configure AUTOSAR S-R Interface Port for End-To-End Protection; Configure AUTOSAR Add Port for DataReceiveErrorEvent; Configure. autosar. 2 DataMapping. Identify the inport that corresponds to the AUTOSAR receiver port for which IsUpdated service is required. 1 Sender Receiver Communication. 1 Communication Models The AUTOSAR VFB Specification [14] defines two communication models within the RTE core services; sender-receiver (signal passing) and client-server (function in- vocation). An AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface with data elements. 3. Interfaces: The AUTOSAR Interface can be either client-server or sender-receiver type. Twin starting what I will widen on are invalidation policy and queued communication. 2 AUTOSAR Release. AUTOSAR CANIF The CAN Interface module provides a unique interface to manage different CAN hardware device types like CAN controllers and CA. + Follow. The data-element is like a global variable which exchanges values. To add a parameter receiver port to the model, go to the ParameterReceiverPorts view and click the Add button . Create a second inport, set its data type to boolean, and connect it to the same block. The sender-receiver. Accordingly, RTE offers a similar queueing mechanism as for the ’queued’ sender receiver AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE. autosar_swc_private. 2 DataMapping. Let us have an look at the basic AUTOSAR application architecture and understand the “component concept” of the AUTOSAR apply layer. 客户端-服务器接口(Client-Server Interface,C/S). AUTOSAR, standardized software architecture forward automotive ECUs, was developed for software reusability crosswise vehicles. Rename a sender-receiver port by editing its name text. Did you know that #AUTOSAR Sender/Receiver is an asynchronous communication and that it sometimes requires special handling Indeed, when a sender component transmits a data, the receiver does not. The type of a data-element can be something very simple (like an "integer") or can be a complex (potentially large) data. Configure and Map Sender-Receiver Ports. To add a sender-receiver port, click the Add button and use the Add Ports dialog box. To model a mode user software component, use an AUTOSAR mode receiver port and a mode-switch event. 1. The following figure is an example of how you model, in Simulink, an. Modifies the associated interface for a port. Two on which I will expand on are repeal policy and queued communication. Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR)13 November, 2023 Receiver Interface for a Sender Receiver Port. 52 of 101 Document ID 660: AUTOSAR_SOMEIPTransformer — AUTOSAR CONFIDENTIAL — Specification of. The techniques shown for configuring S-R ports and interfaces also broadly apply to NV communication. 아래의 그림은 AUTOSAR 4. AUTOSAR仕様の一部となっている。. AUTOSAR specifies data types that apply to: Data elements of a Sender-Receiver Interface Operation arguments of a Client-Server Interface Calibration parameters Inter-runnable variables The data types fall into two categories: Primitive data types, which allow a direct mapping to C intrinsic types. In the receiver runnable, you can then read all elements in the queue until it is empty. MATLAB scripts that illustrate AUTOSAR function call combinations. AUTOSAR CP R22-11 1 of 102 Document ID 442: AUTOSAR_EXP_AIUserGuide Document Title Application Interfaces User Guide Document Owner AUTOSAR Document Responsibility AUTOSAR Document Identification No 442 Document Status published Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform Part of Standard Release R22-11 Document Change History Choosing the appropriate communication interface, whether it is Client/Server or Sender/Receiver, is crucial for designing effective AUTOSAR-based systems. A sender receiver. AUTOSAR Trigger Interface Used to define a Trigger-Interface, which is used for a Trigger Port. The sender-receiver interface associated with these. 参数接口. To model a mode user software component, use an AUTOSAR mode receiver port and a mode-switch event. ret_val = Rte_Write_infotainment_addsong2queue (self,80); 6. The interface defines the boundary with the component environment in terms of input and output ports. These data elements are sent by the sender and requested by the receiver through application runnable. AUTOSAR, standards-based software architektonisch for automobiles ECUs, was developed fork software reusability across vehicles. . The ports are a part of the component and represents its interface. "Sender. For example:. "Sender. The data-element is like a global variable which exchanges values. For a model, get the value of the IsService property for the sender-receiver interface Interface1. Data can be any information in terms of primitive and complex types. Sender/Receiver ports can be characterized with additional communication attributes like:To create an NV data interface and ports in Simulink: Add an AUTOSAR NV interface to the model. Sender Receiver Interface in AUTOSAR Abhishek Kumar 1y Learned DCM in Classic AUTOSAR Mikio H. 4. Instructor. The port interfaces (e. XML tag. Shall the receiver get all values that the sender wrote to the interface? Then you need to introduce a queue on the receiver port. 5. mp4 (40. portinterface. In the previous section, we discussed the required communication ports for event data exchange between a client and a server. The sender/receiver interfaces may have a 1:1 rela-tion (e. AUTOSAR Mode Switch Port Used to define a Mode Switch Port for a. The following figure is an example off how you model, in Simulink, an. 8. 5. Rename a sender-receiver port by editing its name text. pdf [2] AUTOSAR Template Specification of Software Component AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate. 0 AUTOSAR Release Management. This interface is used where a more data-oriented informational exchange has to take place. The data-element a like an global variable which exchanges values. As mentioned above, for Sender code it is only sufficient to reference CAN Interface API calls in order to send payload to CAN bus without paying attention to hardware specifics. 非易失性数据接口(Non-volatile Data Interface). AUTOSAR provides ports as communication interfaces. 0 AUTOSAR Administration Improved support for on-board diagnostics Small layout adaptations made 2007-11-13 3. It is the buffer allocated by the RTE, where the transformed data has to be stored by the transformer. It contains a set of data elements that can be used to send and receive data. Open the AUTOSAR Dictionary and select NV Interfaces. Check whether the configuration changes that you made appear in the generated code by. Inherits. AUTOSAR Trigger Interface. 3 스펙에 정의된 "Sender Receiver Interface"와 연관된 Event에 대한 Meta-Model입니다. 2. Chapter4provides a reference for the AUTOSAR XML used to configure RTA-RTE. A sender-receiver interface defines a set of data-elements that are sent and received over the VFB. Hire us can a look at an basic AUTOSAR software bauwesen and realize the “component concept” regarding the AUTOSAR application lay. AUTOSAR CANIF The CAN Interface module provides a unique interface to manage different CAN hardware device types like CAN controllers and CA. Symbolic. Sender – Receiver and client-server communication in RTE AUTOSAR. 🎥 Today Nabile Khoury from 🇫🇷 Paris/ France welcomes you to this video series on AUTOSAR tips a. You model the mode sender port as a model root outport, which is mapped to an. For more information, see Concurrency Constraints for AUTOSAR Server Runnables. Select and expand the new NV interface. 1 Application Layer. AUTOSAR Client-Server Interface Select an AUTOSAR sender-receiver port, and view and optionally reselect its associated S-R interface. In the Simulink model workspace, create a data object for the parameter. To create an NV data interface and ports in Simulink: Add an AUTOSAR NV interface to the model. Open the Code Mappings editor. SenderReceiverInterface. 1. In the case of the sender-receiver interface, data is transmitted from the sender to the receiver by the signal passing method. The RunnableEntity a is mapped onto a periodic task, Task 1, and the RunnableEntity b is mapped onto a. A port of a component that requires an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface can read the data elements described in the interface and a. Model AUTOSAR Communication. Modelling of SOME/IP-Based Classic Applications using Model-Based Design Model-based design is a well-established development methodology for automotive embedded software. – generates the data described in a data-oriented Sender-Receiver Interface. When an RPort of a component requires an AUTOSAR. autosar. RTE takes care to prevent any conflict if senders transmit at same time to one receiver or vice versa. 2. AUTOSAR message-based communication, including classic queued sender-receiver (S-R) or adaptive event-based messaging. Used to define a Sender-Receiver-Interface, which is used for a Sender Receiver Port. While the actual. Fig. A port prototype is the way that software components can interact and exchange data. 4. To create an S-R interface and ports in Simulink: Open the AUTOSAR Dictionary and select S-R Interfaces. Configure an event to activate the runnable. The AUTOSAR side is always given by a port instance reference, that is a SwComponentPrototype [3]. Part Association Used to define an 'is-part-of' relationship between interface types and data elements. A Sender-Receiver Interface consists of one or more data elements. Whenever you want to exchange data (ex:variables, structure) between software components you will use a Sender Receiver. 5 KB) 002 RTE - Sender Receiver Interface. AUTOSAR software items providing well-defined relationship points titled ports. Quantity Kind Defines a. TCP/UDPの上位プロトコルとなり. To add a sender-receiver port, click the Add button and use the Add Ports dialog box. ---- Sender Receiver Interface. srt (4. AUTOSAR software components provide well-defined connection points called ports. 4. 对于Sender-Receiver Interface,是可以1:n或者n:1的,即可以多个接收者,或者多个发送方,但是,无法做到m:n,即多对多是不允许的。. The Inports tab of the Code Mappings editor maps each Simulink root inport to an AUTOSAR receiver port and an S-R interface data element. Select S-R Interfaces. additional sender/receiver (S/R) ports. 3. Extended formulas expression for Units in Display names. 7 KB) 003 RTE - Client Server Interface. 12. Rte_Receive: Performs an “explicit” read on a sender-receiver communication data Syntax: Std_ReturnType Rte_Receive_<p>_<o>(Rte_Instance <instance>,<data>) Where <p> is the port name and <o> the data element within the sender-receiver interface categorizing the port and <data> is the read data Components communicate events to other. 1 AUTOSAR Release Management Editorial changes 2016-11-30 4. Model AUTOSAR Communication. api. 3. The mode receiver port uses a mode-switch (M-S) interface to connect and communicate with a mode manager, which provides notifications of mode changes. To model a mode user software component, use an AUTOSAR mode receiver port and a mode-switch event. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595. . Although this interface contains data elements DE1, DE2, DE3, DE4, and DE5, the component does not utilize all of the data elements. For an AUTOSAR model, set the IsService property for sender-receiver interface Interface1 to true (1), indicating that the port interface is used for AUTOSAR services. To configure AUTOSAR communication for a component port, you create an AUTOSAR interface, map the port to the interface, and map Simulink ® elements, such as a root inport or outport, to the AUTOSAR port, as required by the type of interface. AUTOSAR supports different flavors of sender-receiver port communication (explicit/implicit com-munication, queued or un-queued communication, sending/receiving of data or events). Sender/Receiver interface: Defines adenine set in data elements that are sent from one component to one or more components. The sender does not know the number of receivers and does not get any receipt. AUTOSAR Trigger Interface Used to define a Trigger-Interface, which is used for a Trigger Port. To add a sender-receiver port, click the Add button and use the Add Ports dialog box. 1. This example script shows: Creates and opens an AUTOSAR architecture model. For example, the following code opens the autosar_swc_fcncalls. Modifies the associated interface for a port. A SoftwareComponent encapsulates a set of related functions and/or data. This communication type is based on the transmission of data elements. Loops through the ports and lists associated sender-receiver interfaces. AUTOSAR Client Server Port Used to define a Client-Server Port for a Component. In the AUTOSAR dictionary, you can see how these receiver ports are configured and runnables are configured.